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Showing posts from July, 2009

Garden's Gate

Abstract intro: -If garden's gate is tightly closed Only a warmer wind can open souls.- Body: The human core is empty space. Only a garden can stop us fade, Only a garden keeps unite, And time to time we can see our life. As soon as garden herbs turn green The flowers, trees and bugs feel part… We peg to people eyes and plays… It’s sharing all what makes us care. The garden place is warm and shines We like too often to go inside… But we just stay, and wait, and pray To have a wind.. to blow it’s gates away. We think like this, we want wind acts, We just believe in dreams, in stars.. We stay and wait, for others facts. … so pity and weaky souls, we have. We are afraid to lose it all, We are afraid of who we are, We stop to act, to say, to care Cause soul is small and mind’s aware. You really want to wrap a gift? You really want to have it all? Does just a wish, can make your soul To feel the taste of life.. of love? It doesn’t do, unless you act, You make the road, you move the ston...

A.C. poetry

Is so.. hot.. As you can see.. Am I writting po e try....? Teeeeeell the sun to go awaaayyy! Teeell to stop in making hot!!!!!!!! Listen carefully what I say Don't disturb my happy.. happy daaaay!!! ........... I wish a sec that you are here Cause words don't flow away.. exactly where you stay. Cause each and only time you spend It makes the globe turn all me red. Don't!!! Don't sing the song alone! ... without me on microphone. Hot and hottest things we feel Are making freedom disappear. So you and I we just have night to feel the coldy magic light. The city mainly ways forget The silence pray we got to do To call the windy time back now And conquer rainy boulevard. by Blanco PS: to read this poet-song, you must have a very very fresh tonque, so please use ice and coldy drinks, turn off all the heats and put the a.c. on the highest, toppy ON.

Despre soarta

Blanco (20.07.2009 01:01:38): dar ia zimi o treaba Christee (20.07.2009 01:01:39): Blanco (20.07.2009 01:01:40): ce zici Blanco (20.07.2009 01:01:42): exista destin? Christee (20.07.2009 01:01:44): zi`mi Blanco (20.07.2009 01:01:48): soarta Christee (20.07.2009 01:01:51): eu cred Blanco (20.07.2009 01:02:02): si soarta asta mai mereu Blanco (20.07.2009 01:02:04): e pozitiva Blanco (20.07.2009 01:02:05): nu? Christee (20.07.2009 01:02:08): Blanco (20.07.2009 01:02:22): vei ajunge un om mare, respectat, implinit si apreciat de toti cei din jur Christee (20.07.2009 01:02:31): nu iti dai seama ca te influenteaza in vreun fel Blanco (20.07.2009 01:02:39): si daca se poate vei lasa ceva maretz omenirii si toti iti vor amintii de tine Blanco (20.07.2009 01:03:08): jex Blanco (20.07.2009 01:03:12): te iau matematic Blanco (20.07.2009 01:03:19): daca toti oamenii au o soarta buna Blanco (20.07.2009 01:03:32): ar insemna ca indiferent pe calea care o ia fiecare, tot va ajunge bine Blanco (20.07....

Te vreau!

Vorbe fără hartă, Pierdute într-o şoaptă, Un glas plin de suflet Ce se varsă prin palmă. La mine în piept, Te las să trăieşti, La mine pe buze S-adormi, îmi doresc. Eu visul ți-l tzin.. Iar tu mă iubeşti, Din ochi îmi zâmbeşti, De tot, noi plutim. Prin lumea din basme Noi.. lent poposim, Ne tzinem de mână, Sărim prin destin. Firav este firul Ce tzine aprinsă Lumina din suflet, Şi glasul de înger. Firavă e iubirea Şi clipa e scurtă, Dar noi ne dorim, În doi să trăim. Te vreau de soție, Să fim camarazi, Te vreau lângă mine, Să zburăm peste brazi. Eu sunt pilot, Iar tu eşti busola, Eu sunt cofetar, Tu.. crema de ouă. Eu sunt vinovat Şi tu o pedeapsă, Eu sunt hotarât, Te vreau de nevastă! Căluții de mare, Îți cer să zici.. da, Autorul cărții Îi călare pe.. şa, Zumzetul lumii Vrea.. pururea ....etc.. Eu doar îmi doresc Să fi lângă mine, Atunci când zâmbesc. by Blanco PS: Indicații: 1. De la el pentru ea sau de la ea pentru el (depinde de cine are busola) :p 2. Pentru el: n-ai curaj? dai cu ...