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"We are living in a small house, nearby the Church.
We can only eat, drink and piss. No smoking alowed.
We can discuss between us. But we must be quiet.
If we have another need, we must request permission.
We don't have mouth to taste, hands to feel or noses to smell. We lost it. We can just see and listen.
We focus our body and mind on seeing and listening. We don't have heart.
We see that we are not alone, but we are not free.
We see that is very cold, but we can not feel it. We are transformed.
We are the new model of human being. 20xx series.
We evolved over past years, and we arrived here.
Memories are good, but present it saddens us.
We need help, but nobody wants to provide. They just control.
They control us, they control me, they control you. They control.
Who the fuck are they? Who the fuck knows?

There are so many questions on this life at which we do not have answers. Or we can not find it. It is ok. Just read next text and understand.

The problem is us. We have ROUTINE.

Over the past years we started to neglect our life, real one, and we entered in a virtual world, less relational, less socialized, less pasionate, less true, less real, but very communicative. We live in a very large communicative society and we communicate on mass level, but we don't communicate the essential, the truth, the real we. We have high ego, we don't care for each other, we are animals fighting for meat, childrens fighting for toys, workers fighting for sallary...but we are quiet.

We communicate for our behalf. For our benefits. Doesn't matter the others. We are not a team anymore. We want the big prize, so we play interested, we are selfish. We
lie ourselfs, for our benefit, we think. We lie other peoples, for our benefit, we think. We lie other peoples, for their benefit, we think. We lie, generally... But paradoxaly we are all christians. We are all believers. We are all God's sons, we are pure and we love each other. We think.

Sometimes we wake up, for a moment. We understand. Something. We fight for a while, then we resign. Or we don't fight. We sleep back.

We have always hope. Hope doesn't die. Hope is our best friend. We can hope freely. We can hope that all the bad and difficult dissapear and good and easy are rulling. We can hope to win, everyday. We can hope that we live a good life. We hope. But, hope what is saying? Is it hope enough for all of us? Does it have any preferences? Does it care? I hope hope is not human, I hope hope is divine, and hope helps us. I hope hope is not selfish. I hope. We hope.


Come on, guys and girls, stop hoping. Stop sleeping. Stop listening. And start understanding. Start playing. Together. Share. Open your box. Share. Open your heart. Share.

Open your road. Share. Open. Don't close yourself behind a cold metal door or hot metal door, as you prefer. Keep faith. In you. Keep faith. In others. Believe, don't hope.

Act, don't wait. Say, don't listen. Understand. And react.

We have the answers. The answers which we are looking for, we have. We have. We don't have to ask more questions. We know. We feel. We are humans, for God's sake.

I don't believe in God. Even if is free and good. I don't believe. I have my beliefs. You have yours. I don't mind if you believe, but firstly, believe in you. You are the most important thing for us. For us. Not you. We love you. You are unique. You make us unique. We are happy together, not alone. Together, not alone. Nobody is happy alone.

We are a community. We are happy together. We can communicate together. We can understand together. We can play. Together. We are uniques. Our community is unique. We are now.

We imagine future. But we feel only now. We can not feel future. We can feel only now.

Future is black. Future is red. Future is new. Future is a good question.

But, everyday is future. Everyday is past. Time is good for analyse, only. Remove time, and just play. Don't care about time, past, future or now. Care about play. Do what you want to do, everyday. Do what you feel, even if you don't understand. Be a player, not an actor. You don't have lines or roles, you have feelings.

If you play, nobody can stop you. Nobody can push you. Nobody can control you. You are moving.

They have to follow you. They have to work. They have to work to follow you.

You give the direction, not them. You go where you want to go.

Don't look, just feel.

If you are questioning about your feelings, it is good. Very good. You are you.

But stop questioning and start testing. Play. Feel. Respond. Act. React. Understand.

We are too many. Very good.

They are too many. Very good.

But do you realize that they are you when you stop feeling? They are you when you don't play and you obbey? They are you when you don't care? They are you when you only listen and not understand? They are you. And you are they.

We are all confused. Sometimes. But, if we feel, we can find what we are looking for, we can do what we are wanting to do, we can say what we are thinking, we can do anything.

This is human being. Now. Confused. Sub-rated. And controlable. Not controled, yet.

If we don't open our box, we might remain in the box.

And in the box, you are easy to be controled.

We should close the box only when we will die. Until then, keep it open.

............... by Blanco

(to be continued step by step)


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