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2 by 2 it's 5

It's a warm summer morning. I woke up hardly, cause last night was too heavy. I don't remember too much about yesterday, but I am pretty happy today. I can feel it.

Each day brings something new, each morning is like a door key, a play button or what so ever. We activate. We become fresh.

But it’s only for a sec or two, cause after an euphoria sequence we enter into the daily routine. It depends, it varies, but all the time is same thing in another shape.

I feel like I got a problem. I don’t like rules, I don’t like paths, models or lines. I like running out of track, going crazy up to my feelings and following signs, not lines.

I breathe for new, otherwise I don’t like, I choke. I avoid being part, I like running free, without any kind of limit, out of time and space.

Enough about me cause I might not stop. So, each day it’s full of fresh beat but same song. What’s to do? What’s the way? What’s the catch?

We don’t have enough time to ask such questions, then how's to answer? We are entirely driven by routine. Cause we are so motha’ fucka’ weak to see and correct it.

It is hard to do new things each day? Yes. It is hard. For this reason they are called New. But New is fun, New is adventure, New is another way, New is another song.

New requires you to adapt. It cultivates your spirit and feeds your feelings. Discovering new is magic. It’s like a bottle of best fun, concentrated and mixed, served chilled.

Yes, of course… with a lemon slice, or just squeeze it with your own hand. It’s wonderful, it’s sublime. New is another way, full with the most unexpected and hidden desires.

You can be You only by catching New, every day. Smell it, taste it, feel it. New is your escape. New is your chance to do what you want to do.

Please think a sec: we open new doors only when current doors are closed or closing. Or, if we don’t taste mud we don't rise up, or we don’t go for an ice cream unless we have to etc.

But we can go for an ice cream every day, we can go for ice cream anytime, day or night, spring or winter, because ice cream is a part of us, it’s our relaxing moment of Our We.

Please compare New with ice cream. All the time it provides a warm environment, full of satisfaction, self balance and new perspectives. Ice cream gets you out of trouble.

Don’t stress you too much in front of new. New is your friend. New is your buddy. Stress about lack of new. Stress about routine. It sucks your spirit. While new is your fuel.

If you want to stay put, then run away from new. If you want action full of adrenaline, please go to fuel and re-fuel, on and on. Be an open minded, run for new, seek it.

Don’t be scared of New. People can achieve anything. So can you. All the time, we surprised ourselves when we obtained something big, magic or we passed a hard obstacle.

But there is no surprise. We are capable of anything. We can adapt to any situation, we can find solutions to any problem. And we can be stronger, always.

Seek for new, play hard and win all you wish for. Cause life is an open market, where you just have to go (fuel) and pick (play) all what you want.

My speech is meaningless, without experience. Therefore, don’t think too much. Act on impulse. Act on first feeling and continue. New is you and you are new.

New likes you!

by Blanco

PS: I dedicate it to my Boema, Carpatzi and Dobosh cakes for killing my sleep away. I dedicate it to my soul buddy: I dedicate it to the full moon.


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