2. Education is the most discriminatory process.
3. Education should be free to all classes of population.
4. There should not exist private education.
4. I start my analysis backwards to top, because all have changed when somebody decided to establish private education.
It is very clear that private education was designed for people who have money, money to pay to be taught.
It was presented like an open helping hand to people who have money but are not smart to pass exams and enter to state schools, universities etc.
But, afterwards, those private education institutions have captured majority of knowledge and top level teachers and training programms.
Nowadays, only to private schools you can have a top level education, so access to quality education is restricted by money.
Ah, but they are not criminals, they leave an open door: if you don't have money, but you are smart guy, you can OBTAIN a scholarship.
Therefore quality education is only for rich people and very smart people, because there is no unlimited place for scholarships. So smart peoples must start to fight between themselves, most of them lossing this battle.
3. So, if access to quality education requires money, most people re-orientate to state education, because is Free.
Free enough, to have also poor conditions, poor teaching programmes, very bad paid teaching staff, very bad infrastructure etc. But is free.
Are we fucking nuts? We beg for education? We don't want to eat scrap food even if is free. It damages. It disturbs, it kills. It kills potential, it kills creation, team spirit, it blocks evolution. Some people can succeed to achieve top level quality even on state education, but this examples are very minor and globally, they can have only a minor influence.
Another bad aspect of state education, is that always it is experimental, experimental on students, not with students. Each year education programmes are changing, evaluation is changing, all kind of rules are changing, and all the time we focus more on quantitative education than qualitative education – students finish school without the essential knowledge, they know only elementary information, general and non-interactive.
2. So, there is on one hand the private education with high quality and prestige and on the other hand the state education with poor quality and low prestige. So is a fight between good and bad image.
Please think a sec! For a job, you would hire a high trained and educated person, with a good CV (image) or somebody who finished state programmes and has an average CV (image)?
So, here is pure discrimination. Here is the real battle for supremacy. The system error. The non-acceptable truth. The end of hopes. Here starts and ends the mass diversity on classes.
We can say that private education get best jobs with high rewards (money as sallaries etc), while state education (average) get average jobs (poor money). So the process of dependency on money continue to affect and expand over and over again, with education continuing to decrease its overall quality, by increasing each year the number of poor trained people with limited access to education. (rich get richer, poor get poorer).
Ah, we know a solution, the capitalist system shows it to us everyday: if we are smart guys but we don't have money, we can go always to banks to borrow money. Credit. Money, money, money...
1. Money is dictating educational level, civilization level, dependency level, evolution level etc.
But let me tell you something, high profit (the engine of money) is in opposite relation with evolution. High levels of profit do not sustain evolution, they are generated by favourable circumstances, temporary, by speculative reasons, and rarely by a developing situation. Profit is less creational, innovative and social, even if in some percentages (minor) it influences evolution.
I mean positive evolution, because each day we evoluate, but we can evoluate also negative: to damage environment, social relations, economical equilibrium, safety etc.
Ah, I tell you another thing, for your conscience. Stupid people which are rich even if they have access to top level education, they don't catch too much benefits, because they can not see, understand and influence the big picture in front of them. They can be only „movie actors, not producers, writters or directors”. They can not process effectively the information provided. They use some parts, only some ideas, concepts etc, and all the remaining know-how is lost, step by step, for ever.
I know that there are people who understand my comments, who understand what is happening, I know that there are some people who want to change something, but in the end they arrive at the following criminal thought: „life is a business, I should care about my personal earnings, environment and close peoples: family & friends”.
Think like this and you will surely make a good business, profitable and satisfactory for your personal goals.
BUT life is not a business, life is a sharing habitat for people to discover themselves, to discover other people, to communicate, to understand, to teach and learn, to feel together the advantages of being human living persons in this wonderful world, to create a common history with a long and mutual future.
There is enough space and unlimited possibilites to satisfy all people desires, needs and goals, and we can achieve it better and faster, only in cooperation, respect, by living in a free and civilized world.
I have a belief: people are not born smart or stupid, they evolve alongside their environment.
by Blanco
PS: Ah, you want also a solution for current situation? Don't look at me! You know exactly what you have to do, you can feel it, is as simple as it sounds: stop to tolerate!
Because simple things are moving the world, every day, every hour, every minute, every sec, every you.
by Blanco
PS: Ah, you want also a solution for current situation? Don't look at me! You know exactly what you have to do, you can feel it, is as simple as it sounds: stop to tolerate!
Because simple things are moving the world, every day, every hour, every minute, every sec, every you.