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Jun 16, 2008 12:46 PM

Fuck all who does, accepts, hides and forgets

Does all his best to achieve his interest,

And accepts it over dead bodies,

And hides the truth from everyone else

And forgets to be as human as it gets.

No rhymes can describe my rage against of what we call real world and is not more than a image made upon what we receive.

How can we be so blind or babies not to understand that on this world WE are the main cause of sufference, there is no reason to start a conflict, to disturb a peacefull harmony given to us, all of us, when we came on this world.

There is no fucking reason on this world for a war conflict than the interest of some for other. The political interest, economical one, evolution one and what so ever, this interest starts to poison our blood and mind and to affect, disturb or molest other people lifes.

There should be no nation, no particular interests, no difference in evaluating (e-v-a-l-u-a-t-i-n-g) somebody culture, education, religion or race in order to make-up a motive for a conflict. We are all equals and nobody prevails to nobody.

How stupid, but better said blind can you be, not to see that when you hurt somebody in fact you affect yourself. There is no reason for somebody to hurt somebody else, and when I say this I think especially at wars.

What the fuck are these? Are we nuts not to understand that other people are using us to obtain their own interest, and also they are used by other ones to achieve their goals, and so on until we are face to face with the one who makes the games.

But there is no one who can decide for anyone else, there are just insaned and poisoned people who listen and obbey to this one, the big shit, let,s call it freak.

So please, think a second not to my comments, to criticise it, think about what is true or wrong on this life.

Who says which is good or bad?

It is good that americans attack Iraq? for what? or is bad that terrorists are attacking inocent peoples? Same motive in two shapes. We should not decide which one is correct or not, instead we should think why we arrived to this situation in the first place. It is not a human fault? Or our big ego which is causing high disturbances within peacefull evolution is dictating the global changes?

Politics lost their sense, economy lost his base and people lost their values, this is the current present.

In such conditions what it will be the next future? There is any solution?

Of course there is, but finding it is a big challenge and also this solution will be temporary because no solution is valide through all human evolution, and changes bring together other changes and solutions and so on.

It’s all about evolution, but a positive one is my target.

The truth is hidden under an image and no set of images can reveal its inner content if you don’t …

by Blanco

PS: Written long time ago, but posted now.


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